Can You Mix Gear Oil Brands | Compatibility of Mixing Gear Oil Brands 2023

Last Updated on August 16, 2023 by Jisan

Yes, you can mix gear oil brands. However, it is not recommended as it can cause compatibility issues.

  • Choose the gear oil you would like to use
  • Place the gear oil into a container
  • Add an equal amount of the other gear oil brand to the container
  • Stir the oils together until they are fully mixed
  • Pour the mixture into your car’s differential and enjoy!

Can You Mix 75W90 And 75W140

If you’ve ever wondered whether you can mix different types of oils together, the answer is yes… with a few exceptions. Different oils have different properties and mixing them can result in a product that doesn’t perform as well as either oil would on its own. So, if you’re thinking about mixing 75W90 and 75W140 oils, here’s what you need to know.

The “W” in motor oil stands for winter. The first number after the W (75) refers to the low temperature viscosity or how easily the oil flows when cold. The second number (90 or 140) refers to the high temperature viscosity or how thick the oil is when hot.

So, a 75W90 oil is thinner than a 75W140 oil when cold and thicker when hot. Now that we know that, let’s talk about why you might want to mix these two oils together. In some cases, it might be because you’re trying to achieve a certain consistency that isn’t possible with just one oil.

For example, if you want an oil that’s thin when cold but not too thin when hot, mixing these two oils together could give you the perfect balance. However, it’s important to note that there are some risks associated with mixing motor oils. One of those risks is compatibility issues between additives in each oil formula.

If those additives aren’t compatible, they could potentially cause problems with your engine over time – so it’s always best to check with your mechanic before mixing any oils together. Additionally, mixing two different weights of oil could result in an inconsistent viscosity which could also lead to problems down the road.

Can You Mix Gear Oil Weights

If you’ve ever wondered whether you can mix gear oil weights, the answer is yes! You can mix different weights of gear oil, as long as they’re both synthetic or both conventional. The main thing to keep in mind is that the lighter oil will take precedence.

So, if you’re mixing a 75W-90 with a 80W-90, the final weight of your mixture will be closer to the 75W-90.

Can You Mix Royal Purple Gear Oil With Other Oil

Sure, you can mix royal purple gear oil with other oil, but it’s not recommended. Royal purple gear oil is formulated to provide the best possible lubrication and protection for your gears, and mixing it with other oils can reduce its effectiveness. If you do decide to mix royal purple gear oil with another oil, be sure to use the same type of oil so that the properties of eachoil complement each other.

Mixing Synthetic Gear Oil Brands

Synthetic gear oils are designed to provide superior performance and protection for your vehicle’s transmission. But what happens if you mix synthetic gear oil brands? The answer is… it depends.

Different synthetic gear oil brands can be compatible with each other, but there’s no guarantee. It’s always best to consult with your vehicle’s manufacturer or a qualified mechanic before mixing synthetic gear oil brands. That said, if you do find yourself in a situation where you need to mix synthetic gear oil brands, here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Make sure the oils have the same base stock. This is important because different base stocks can have different properties that could potentially impact the performance of your transmission. 2. Pay attention to the additives.

Different additive packages can also impact the performance of your transmission, so it’s important that they are compatible with each other. 3. Be sure to mix the oils thoroughly before using them in your transmission. Incompatibility between synthetic gear oil brands is more likely to occur when they are not mixed properly.

Mixing Gear Oil

Motor oil is a lubricant used in internal combustion engines, which power most vehicles. Gear oil is similar to motor oil, but is thicker and designed specifically for transmissions. Although you can use gear oil in your car’s engine, it will not work as well as motor oil.

The same goes for using motor oil in your transmission – it will work, but not as well as gear oil. So, if you want your car to run smoothly and efficiently, it’s important to use the right type of lubricant for each component. When it comes to mixing gear oils, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

First of all, different types of gear oil are not compatible with each other. So, if you’re mixing different brands or types of gear oil, be sure to check the compatibility before doing so. Additionally, even if two types of gear oils are compatible with each other, they may not mix evenly.

This can cause clumping and eventually lead to problems within your transmission. For this reason, it’s generally best to avoid mixinggear oils altogether unless absolutely necessary.

Can You Mix Gear Oil Brands
Can You Mix Gear Oil Brands | Compatibility of Mixing Gear Oil Brands 2023 2


What Happens If You Mix Gear Oil?

If you mix gear oil, it will not perform as well as if you had used the correct oil for your application. The gear oil will not lubricate as effectively and can cause increased wear on your gears.

Can You Mix 75W90 And 80W90?

There are many different types of oils that can be used in vehicles, and it can be confusing trying to figure out which one is the best for your car. Two common options are 75w90 and 80w90 oils. But what’s the difference between them?

And can you mix them together? 75w90 oil is a gear oil, typically used in manual transmissions and differentials. It has a lower viscosity than 80w90 oil, meaning it flows more easily at lower temperatures.

This makes it ideal for use in cold weather or when starting up a vehicle that hasn’t been driven in awhile. 80w90 oil is also a gear oil, but it has a higher viscosity than 75w90 oil. This means it flows less easily at lower temperatures, making it better suited for use in hot weather or when a vehicle is already warmed up and running smoothly.

It’s generally not recommended to mix different types of oils together, as they can have different properties that could cancel each other out. However, if you find yourself in a situation where you need to mix 75w90 and 80w90 oils, just be aware that the resulting mixture will have properties somewhere between the two individual oils.

Can You Mix Synthetic Gear Oils?

When it comes to motor oil, there are three main types: conventional, synthetic, and semi-synthetic. So, can you mix synthetic gear oils? The answer is yes, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

For starters, mixing synthetic and conventional oils will lower the overall quality of the oil. This is because synthetic oil is designed to be higher quality than conventional oil. So, if you mix the two together, you’re essentially watering down the synthetic oil.

Second, you need to be aware of the different viscosities of each type of oil. Viscosity is a measure of an oil’s thickness or how well it flows. Synthetic oils tend to have a higher viscosity than conventional oils.

So, if you mix them together, you’ll end up with an oil that has a higher viscosity than either one alone. Finally, it’s important to remember that mixing any two oils together will create a new chemical compound. This new compound might not perform as well as either of the individual oils.

So, while you can mix synthetic and conventional oils together, it’s not always the best idea from a performance standpoint.

Can You Mix Gl4 And Gl5 Gear Oil?

While gear oil is not as common a topic of conversation as, say, motor oil, it’s still an important part of keeping your car in good working order. And like motor oil, there are different types of gear oil that can be used in different situations. So, can you mix gl4 and gl5 gear oils?

The answer is yes, you can mix these two types of gear oil – but it’s not recommended. Gear oil is designed to lubricate the gears in your car’s transmission, and each type of gear oil has specific properties that make it better suited for certain transmissions. Mixing the two types of oil can offset the benefits of using either one.

If you do find yourself in a situation where you need to mix the two types of gear oil, make sure to use equal parts so that the ratio of each type of oil is consistent throughout the mixture.



The post concludes that while it is possible to mix gear oil brands, it is not recommended as it can lead to compatibility issues. It is always best to use the same brand of gear oil throughout your vehicle.

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