How to Test a Neutral Safety Switch | Testing Neutral Safety Switch in Vehicles: Steps 2023
Last Updated on August 16, 2023 by Jisan
To test a neutral safety switch, first disconnect the battery. Then, remove the switch from the vehicle and use a multimeter to test it for continuity. If there is no continuity, the switch is faulty and needs to be replaced.
- Open the hood and locate the neutral safety switch on the transmission
- Disconnect the wiring harness from the switch
- Use a multimeter to test for continuity between the two terminals on the switch
- There should be continuity when the switch is in the “run” position, and no continuity when in the “start” position
- If there is no continuity in either position, replace the neutral safety switch
How to Test a Neutral Safety Switch With a Multimeter
If your car won’t start, one possible reason is a faulty neutral safety switch. This switch prevents the engine from starting when the transmission is in gear, so if it’s not working properly, your car may think it’s always in gear and won’t start. You can test the neutral safety switch with a multimeter to see if it’s working correctly.
To test the neutral safety switch, first disconnect the battery. Then locate the switch on the transmission. It will have two wires going to it.
Using the multimeter, set it to ohms and touch one probe to each of the wires going to the switch. If the reading is infinite, then the switch is open and needs to be replaced. If the reading is zero or very low, then the switch is shorted and also needs to be replaced.
Symptoms of Bad Neutral Safety Switch Automatic Transmission
If your car has an automatic transmission, the neutral safety switch is a very important component. This switch prevents the engine from starting when the transmission is in gear. Without this switch, your car could easily start in gear and cause serious damage or even injury.
There are a few symptoms that can indicate a problem with the neutral safety switch. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s important to have the switch checked by a mechanic as soon as possible.
One symptom of a bad neutral safety switch is trouble starting the engine.
If the switch is faulty, it may prevent the engine from starting when the transmission is in gear. This can be frustrating and dangerous if you’re trying to start your car in an emergency situation.
Another symptom of a bad neutral safety switch is unexpected stalling.
If your engine unexpectedly stalls while you’re driving, it could be due to a problem with the neutral safety switch. This can be dangerous if it happens while you’re driving on a busy road.
How to Bypass Neutral Safety Switch
One of the most common questions we get here at AutoZone is how to bypass a neutral safety switch. The neutral safety switch is a vital component in your car, and it’s responsible for preventing the engine from starting when the transmission is in gear. without this safety feature, your car could easily roll away or even start on its own, which could lead to serious accidents.
There are a few different ways that you can bypass the neutral safety switch, but the most common method is to use a jumper wire. This involves connecting one end of the jumper wire to the battery terminal and the other end to the starter solenoid. This will bypass the neutral safety switch and allow you to start your car.
Another way to bypass the neutral safety switch is to disconnect it entirely. This should only be done if you’re sure that you won’t be needing it again, as it’s an important safety feature. To do this, simply locate the wires leading to the switch and disconnect them.
Keep in mind that this method isn’t recommended unless you’re absolutely sure that you won’t need theswitch again.
If your car starts having problems with its neutral safety switch, don’t hesitate to bring it into AutoZone for diagnosis and repair. Our experts will be able to quickly identify any issues and get your car back on track in no time!
How Do You Start a Car With a Bad Neutral Safety Switch
If your car’s neutral safety switch is bad, you may have trouble starting your car. The neutral safety switch is a switch that prevents the engine from starting unless the transmission is in neutral or park. This switch is usually located on the floor near the shifter.
If the switch is defective, it may not allow the engine to start unless the transmission is in a certain position. You can test the neutral safety switch with a multimeter. If theswitch is defective, you will need to replace it.
Can a Bad Neutral Safety Switch Cause Shift Problems
If your car is having shift problems, it could be due to a bad neutral safety switch. This switch is responsible for keeping the engine from starting when the transmission is in gear, so if it’s not working properly, it can cause shifting problems. If you’re experiencing this issue, it’s best to take your car to a mechanic to have it checked out.

How Do You Know Your Neutral Safety Switch is Bad?
The neutral safety switch is an important part of your car’s electrical system. It is responsible for preventing the engine from starting when the car is in gear. If the neutral safety switch fails, it can cause serious problems.
Here are some signs that your neutral safety switch may be failing:
1. The engine will not start when the car is in gear. This is the most common symptom of a failed neutral safety switch.
If your car won’t start when you turn the key, chances are good that the neutral safety switch is to blame.
2. The engine starts randomly while driving. This can be a dangerous situation as it can lead to loss of control of the vehicle.
If you notice that your engine suddenly turns on while you’re driving, pull over and check theneutral safety switch immediately.
3. The engine starts but stalls immediately after starting. This problem can be caused by several different issues, but a faulty neutral safety switch is often to blame.
If your engine starts and then dies right away, have your mechanic check theneutral safety switch first thing.
How Do You Test a Neutral Safety Switch With a Test Light?
When testing a neutral safety switch with a test light, you will want to first disconnect the negative battery cable. This will ensure that there is no power running through the circuit while you are testing it. Next, locate the neutral safety switch and identify the two wires going to it.
One wire should be hot all the time, while the other wire should only be hot when in the start position.
With the test light probe, touch one lead of the test light to each of the identified wires on the neutral safety switch. If the test light illuminates on both wires, then the switch is bad and needs to be replaced.
However, if the test light only illuminates on one wire, then that indicates that there is power running through the circuit and further diagnosis may be needed.
Is There a Fuse for the Neutral Safety Switch?
No, there is not a fuse for the neutral safety switch. The neutral safety switch is an important component of your car’s electrical system, and it is designed to prevent your car from starting in gear. If your car does not have a neutral safety switch, it is possible for your car to start in gear, which can be dangerous.
Can I Bypass My Neutral Safety Switch?
The neutral safety switch is a vital component of your car’s ignition system. It is responsible for preventing the engine from starting when the car is in gear, and it also prevents the car from being put into gear while the engine is running. If your neutral safety switch malfunctions, it can cause a number of problems with your car’s ignition system.
In some cases, it may be possible to bypass the neutral safety switch, but doing so can have serious consequences.
If you bypass the neutral safety switch, you will no longer be able to start your car’s engine if it is in gear. This means that you could accidentally put your car into gear while the engine is running, which could lead to an accident.
Additionally, if your car’s battery dies while the engine is running, you will not be able to restart the engine without first putting it into neutral. This could leave you stranded on the side of the road.
Overall, bypassing your neutral safety switch is not recommended.
If you are having problems with your ignition system, it is best to take your car to a qualified mechanic or dealership for service.
How To Test and Replace the Neutral Safety Swtich / Inhibitor Switch P0705
The neutral safety switch is an important part of any car, and it’s important to know how to test it. There are a few different ways to do this, and the best way will vary depending on the make and model of your car. However, all methods require you to disconnect the battery before starting.
Once you’ve done that, you can use a multimeter to test the continuity of the switch. If it’s working properly, there should be continuity between the two terminals when the switch is in the neutral position.