How to Install Bearing Buddies | Installing Bearing Buddies: Step-by-Step Process 2023
Last Updated on August 16, 2023 by Jisan
Assuming you have the tools and supplies needed, here are the steps for installing Bearing Buddies:
1. Clean off any old grease or debris from inside the hub where the bearing buddies will be installed.
2. Place the bearing buddy in the hub, making sure that the lip on the bottom of the unit is facing outward.
3. Use a socket or wrench to tighten the retaining nut until it is snug against the bearing buddy. Be careful not to over-tighten, which could damage the unit.
- Park your trailer on a level surface and chock the wheels to prevent it from rolling
- Place a jack under the trailer tongue and raise it until the wheel is off the ground
- Spin the wheel by hand to check for any rough spots or binding
- If everything feels smooth, proceed to the next step
- If not, take the wheel to a qualified mechanic or bearing specialist to have it repaired or replaced
- Using a wrench, remove the hub cap or dust cover from the wheel hub assembly
- This will give you access to the grease seal and bearings inside
- 5) Inspect the grease seal for any cracks or damage
- If it’s damaged, replace it with a new one before proceeding any further
- 6) Remove the cotter pin from the axle nut using pliers then loosen but don’t remove the axle nut using a socket wrench
- 7) Tap on each side of the hub with a soft mallet until it slides off of the spindle
- Be careful not to damage or lose any ofthe small parts that may have fallen out when removingthe hub
- 8) Clean all old grease and debris from both sides ofthe bearings , as well as from insidethe hubs ,using solvent and rags
- Be sure topay special attention towiping cleanany dirt build-upon themagnetic brake assembliesif yourtrailer isequippedwith brakes
- 9) Once everythingis clean , repackthe bearingswith freshgreasebyforcingit intothe crevicebetweenthe two bearing halvesuntilyou seethe greasebeginningtocome outof themiddle hole in eachbearing half
- 10 )Replaceeach innerand outerbearingin its originalpositioninsideofthe hub , beingcarefulto keep trackof whichonegoes where(consult anexploded viewdiagramif needed) 11 )Slidehub back overspindleand hand-tightenthe axle nutas far as possiblewithout causingthe bearingsortrailerequipmentto bind 12 )Usingsocket wrench , torquethe axlenutto specifications(usually between85-100 ft
- )whileholdinginnerbearingsin placewithonehand 13 )Installnew cotterpin (orclip), spreadits endswideapartso they cannot fallback throughhole , thenbendoverone endto secure 14 Finally,replacehubcap ordustcover
Bearing Buddy Caps
If you own a trailer, then you know how important it is to keep the bearings in good shape. Not only do they allow your trailer to roll smoothly down the road, but they also help protect your axles and tires from wear and tear. That’s why it’s critical to regularly inspect and maintain your bearings, and one of the best ways to do that is with Bearing Buddies.
Bearing Buddies are caps that fit over your bearings and help keep them well-lubricated. They’re easy to install and use, and they can extend the life of your bearings significantly. Plus, they’ll save you money in the long run by preventing premature bearing failure.
So if you’re looking for an easy way to prolong the life of your trailer bearings, then consider investing in a set of Bearing Buddies. Your trailer will thank you for it!
How to Install Bearing Buddies on a Trailer
If you’re looking to install bearing buddies on your trailer, there are a few things you need to know. First, what are bearing buddies? They’re basically just an extra set of bearings that sit on top of your existing ones.
This gives your trailer wheels a little more support and helps keep them from wobbling around too much.
Now that you know what they are, it’s time to learn how to install them. The first thing you’ll need to do is remove the old bearings from your trailer wheels.
To do this, you’ll need a bearing puller (available at most auto parts stores). With the old bearings removed, clean out any dirt or debris from the wheel wells.
Next, take a look at the new bearing buddies and make sure they’re the same size as the old ones.
If not, they won’t fit properly and could cause damage to your trailer wheels. Once you’ve confirmed that they’re the same size, go ahead and slide them into place.
Finally, replace the axle nuts and tighten everything down.
That’s it! You’ve now successfully installed bearing buddies on your trailer.
How Do Bearing Buddies Work
If you own a boat, then you’re probably familiar with the term “bearing buddies.” But what are they, and how do they work?
Bearing buddies are devices that are installed on boat trailers to help keep the bearings lubricated.
They work by measuring the amount of grease in the bearing housing and adding more if needed. This helps to prevent bearings from overheating and failing.
There are two main types of bearing buddies: automatic and manual.
Automatic units have a sensor that monitors the level of grease in the housing and adds more when needed. Manual units require you to check the grease level periodically and add more as necessary.
Installing bearing buddies is relatively simple.
First, remove the old dust caps from your trailer’s bearings. Next, clean out any old grease or debris from the housing using a brush or compressed air. Finally, insert the bearing buddy into the housing and replace the dust cap.
Once installed, simply check your bearing buddy’s instructions to see how often it needs to be checked or serviced. With proper care, your bearings should last for many years to come!
Bearing Buddy Sizes
Bearing Buddy Sizes – Determining the Right Size for Your Trailer
When shopping for Bearing Buddies, it is important to know the correct size for your trailer. The most common sizes are 12″, 14″, and 16″.
However, there are other sizes available as well.
To determine the right size for your trailer, you will need to know the inner diameter (ID) of your wheel hub. This can usually be found in your owner’s manual or on a placard on the trailer itself.
Once you have this measurement, simply match it up with the corresponding Bearing Buddy size listed below.
Inner Diameter Bearing Buddy Size
2-3/4″ 12″
3-1/4″ 14″
How to Grease Bearing Buddies
If your trailer has Bearing Buddies, then you know how important it is to keep them greased. Not only does this help protect your bearings from wear and tear, but it also helps keep them running smoothly. Here are a few tips on how to grease your Bearing Buddies:
1. Start by making sure that your Bearing Buddies are clean. If they are not, then you run the risk of contaminating the grease. You can clean them with soap and water or Brakleen.
2. Once they are clean, apply a generous amount of grease to each one. You want to make sure that the entire surface is covered.
3. Use a hand pump or power washer to force the grease into the bearings.
Be careful not to overdo it, as too much pressure can damage the seals.
4. Wipe off any excess grease and you’re done!

Are Bearing Buddies Easy to Install?
Are Bearing Buddies easy to install? The answer is yes! Here are the steps:
1. Park your trailer on level ground and jack up one wheel so that it is off the ground.
2. Remove the hub cap or dust cover, if present.
3. Loosen the lug nuts and remove the tire.
4. Use a hammer to remove the cotter pin from the castle nut at the center of the axle shaft. Remove the castle nut and washer.
5a) For tapered spindles: Insert Bearing Buddy into grease seal opening until flush with inside surface of hub (be sure O-ring is in place).
Gently tap unit into position using a soft faced mallet if necessary. If you have an impact wrench, do not use it on Bearing Buddy as this may damage threads..
OR 5b) For non-tapered spindles: Install provided retaining ring onto threaded portion of Bearing Buddy until flush with bottom surface of unit (be sure o-ring groove is facing out). Screw unit into grease seal opening until flush with inside surface of hub (be sure O-ring is in place). Gently tap unit into position using a soft faced mallet if necessary.
If you have an impact wrench, do not use it on Bearing Buddy as this may damage threads.. 6) Coatcastle nut and washer with high temperature grease then reassemble onto spindle/axle shaft hand tight only .
Using a torque wrench, tighten castle nut to 60 ft lbs while holding inner bearing race stationary with an open end wrench placed across flats of outer race (or equivalent). While still holding bearing race stationary, back off castle nut 1/4 – 1/2 turn then retighten to 60 ft lbs.. 7) Reinstall cotter pin through hole in end of axle shaft making certain that ends are bent over sufficiently to prevent pull out under vibration conditions yet not so close together as to make removal difficult next time service is required.. 8) Refill hub cavity with fresh grease per manufacturers recommendation taking care not to overfill.. 9) Clean area around hub/wheel assembly then reassemble tire & lug nuts tightening by hand only until snug.. 10) Lower vehicle to ground then finish tightening lug nuts in crisscross pattern to proper torque specification listed in your vehicles owners manual while vehicle weight rests on wheel being tightened..
Do You Need to Repack Bearings With Bearing Buddies?
If you have Bearing Buddies on your trailer, you do not need to repack the bearings. The Bearing Buddies will keep the grease in the bearings and prevent water from getting in and ruining them.
Do Bearing Buddies Grease the Inner Bearing?
No, Bearing Buddies do not grease the inner bearing. The purpose of Bearing Buddies is to keep water and dirt out of the bearings, and to provide a constant supply of grease to the bearings.
Can You Put Bearing Buddies on Any Trailer?
If you’re wondering whether you can put Bearing Buddies on any trailer, the answer is yes! Bearing Buddies are designed to fit any standard hub and come in a variety of sizes to accommodate different axle diameters. They’re easy to install and require no maintenance, making them an ideal solution for trailers that see a lot of use.
Installation Of The Bearing Buddy
If you’re looking to install Bearing Buddies on your boat trailer, follow these simple steps. First, clean and inspect the inside of the hub. Next, lubricate the bearings with grease.
Finally, install the Bearing Buddies and tighten the cap until it’s snug. With proper installation and maintenance, your Bearing Buddies will keep your boat trailer rolling smoothly for years to come.